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3.Google Webmaster Tools的报告看一下.
4.Google PR是否改变了(Graybar-- NND找不到这个词的解释貌似是一家公司.)PR可能是一种惩罚信号
6.检查是否已列入黑名单,因为谷歌浏览你的网站不安全(这个应该就是那个提示病毒啊什么的那个,在google网站工具箱看).还有这个直接查询的http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=mysite.com --给出你的域名.
8.检查一下站点 WHOIS资料是不是同一个人,还有站点统计是不是和另外站点同一个统计名称.
10.检查你的URL是否出现结果为0,或者在结果数里出现show omitted results(结果显示省略)链接.(这意味着你被认定了重复)

1.Dig your internal traffic analytics for traffic drops or bad trends;
2.Perform [site:yoursite.com] search in Google to see if Google reports same number of indexed URLs;
3.Check if Google Webmaster Tools report any problems;
4.Take a look if Google toolbar PR has changed (graybar PR might be a signal of penalty);
5.Check your site ranking for a “domain-name” search (without the TLD).If such a query puts you in the fifties, it’s almost (!) guaranteed to be a penalty.

6.Check if Google has blacklisted your site as unsafe for browsing (type   http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=mysite.com with your domain at the end).
7.Check the source code for any injected links to obvious “bad neighborhood” sites;
8.Check your other sites. In some cases Google seems to devalue the WHOIS domain owner and this results in a simultaneous ranking drop in several sites under the same domain account.
9.Copy a long phrase from your page and search Google for the exact match – make sure this very page (not the home page, not other sites scraping yours) is ranked #1;
10.Check if your URL can only be seen by adding &filter=0 to the search URL – or clicking on the “show omitted results” link (this means you were hit by the duplicate content penalty);