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Gmail 设置休假自动回复


您准备休假,而且无法访问互联网?不用担心!使用 Gmail 的休假回复,即可让别人知道您无法立即与其联系。
您可以在 Gmail 帐户中设置休假回复,自动回复所有邮件。启用休假回复时,Gmail 会向所有联系您的人发送回复。* 如果该发件人四天后再次与您联系,而您的休假回复仍处于启用状态,Gmail 会向其发送另一封休假回复,提醒该发件人您尚未查看电子邮件。


1.登录到您的 Gmail 帐户。

2.点击任一 Gmail 页顶部的"设置"。


如果您已在帐户中启用了个性化签名,Gmail 会自动将其附加到您的休假回复的底部。



休假回复启用后,您可以在 Gmail 帐户的顶部看到一个横幅,并会显示您休假回复的主题。要阻止 Gmail 自动发送回复,请点击该横幅中的"现在停止"。如果希望修改该回复,请点击"休假设置"。
请记住,您的休假回复会在每次修改后更新 - 如果某人收到您最初的休假回复,并在您修改了回复的主题或内容后再次向您发送电子邮件,该发件人就会收到经过修改的回复。
* 归类为垃圾邮件以及发送至您订阅的邮件列表的邮件不会收到休假回复。

已更新 12/15/2005

How do I set up an automatic vacation response?
Going on vacation? No access to the Internet? No problem! Use Gmail's vacation responder to let people know you won't be able to get back to them right away.

You can set up a vacation response in your Gmail account that will automatically reply to anyone who emails you. While the vacation responder is enabled, Gmail will send a response to anyone who contacts you.* If that person contacts you again after four days and your vacation responder is still enabled, Gmail will send another vacation response to remind the person that you're away from your email.

Here's how to let people know you can't respond right away:

1.Log in to your Gmail account.

2.Click 'Settings' along the top of any Gmail page.

3.From the 'General' tab, select 'Vacation responder on' in the 'Vacation responder:' section.

4.Enter the subject and body of your message in the 'Subject:' and 'Message:' fields.

If you've enabled a personalized signature in your account, Gmail will automatically append it to the bottom of your vacation response.

5.Check the box next to 'Only send a response to people in my Contacts' if you don't want everyone who emails you to know that you're away from your mail.

6.Click 'Save Changes.'

While the vacation responder is enabled, you'll see a banner across the top of your Gmail account, displaying the subject of your vacation response. To stop Gmail from automatically sending the response, click 'end now' within the banner. Or, if you'd like to edit the response, click 'vacation settings.'
Keep in mind that your vacation response will start over each time you edit it -- if someone receives your initial vacation response, and then emails you again after you've edited the subject or body of the message, he or she will receive the edited response, too.
* Messages classified as spam and messages addressed to a mailing list you subscribe to will not receive a vacation response.

updated 12/15/2005